Pioneering A.I. & A.G.I. for a Brighter Future

What will A.I. and A.G.I. mean to humanity? One of the biggest concerns surrounding A.I. and A.G.I. is the potential loss of jobs. Companies are considering cost reductions but not factoring in what day-to-day life will look like for the average person. Our research group focuses on predicting these variables.

We focus on what drives A.I., from hardware to code. Through quantum computing, we have identified innovative methods to improve the standard for neural network patterns. We also ask the question: "What if the neural network pattern becomes obsolete? What would a new model of interpretation look like through quantum computing?"

What further advancements can we pursue? Consider the possibility of implementing these methods within the gaming industry. The gaming industry has the potential to teach A.I. and A.G.I. to exhibit more human-like behaviors. Our Research & Development team is deeply engaged in developing advanced A.I. structures, while our company concentrates on analyzing metrics within the gaming sector.